Art and Design

Art and Design contributes to the development of the whole child emotionally, aesthetically, physically, socially and cognitively. It promotes a love for learning and being curious by providing all children with the opportunity to express themselves imaginatively, creatively and developing their understanding of, and respond to the world around them.
At Mullion Primary School, children are exposed to many visual, tactile and sensory experiences. The subject develops in children's learning behaviours for success by promoting Mullion School’s core values of Curiosity, Respect, Determination, Resilience and Creativity. Mullion Primary School enables pupils to become involved in, enjoy and appreciate the visual arts and how it can enrich their personal lives. They learn the part that Art and Design plays in their own and others’ lives, in contemporary life and in different times and cultures. All this helps to teach the children the importance of being good citizens by understanding differences of opinion, and valuing individuality. Children are encouraged to use non-fiction texts to research the lives and work of great artists, craft makers and designers thus helping to develop every child as a reader.
The curriculum has been designed to develop children's artistic skills in a progressive way. In EYFS KS1 and Year 3, children explore drawing, painting and sculpture, In from Year 4 to 6, children explore thematic years where skills are developed within a yearwith a focus on symbolism, mixed media and 3D. 
Children's learning is assessed using our assessment and feedback structure where meet the three core areas of a unit launch, learning sequence (including prior learning retrieval) and end point quizzing within the sequence and through evaluation. In Art and Design, all learning reaches an end point of a composite piece.
Learning Sequences
Skills Progression
Assessment and Feedback