At Mullion Primary School we aim to teach DT in a practical and exploratory way. Each learning sequence has opportunities to develop skills and finger fluency which is built in to our skills progression. We ensure that children are building on prior learning by using skills progressions and adapting sequences for each year group through Year 4, 5 and 6.
Children will work with a variety of materials and tools aims to help children learn important life skills. We have prioritised food and nutrition learning so that they children learn this every year. Other aspects of DT has been blocked so that there is progression within a year. For example, in EYFS and KS1, we focus on mechanisms, materials and structures. Then, in KS2, we explore these areas in more depth as well as electronics, architecture and the digital world.
Children's learning is assessed using our assessment and feedback structure where meet the three core areas of a unit launch, learning sequence (including prior learning retrieval) and end point quizzing within the sequence and through evaluation.
Learning Sequences
Skills Progression
Assessment and Feedback