Religious Education and Collective Worship

At Mullion Primary School, children are taught to understand and respect the importance of religious beliefs in the world around them. We encourage children to use and develop their skills in RE and to participate in critical thinking. We aim to ensure that the RE curriculum is challenging, dynamic and relevant to pupils of all ages.

In the Foundation Stage, RE is taught through topics based upon children’s own lives and their own experiences. During Key Stage 1, the study of Christianity is introduced and aspects of Judaism are taught. There is also consideration for non-religious beliefs.

In Key Stage 2, the study of Christianity is developed and religious beliefs within Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism and Islam are explored.


Collective Worship

Collective worship is an integral part of school life. It creates, nurtures and sustains a sense of community and creates an opportunity to bring to life the core values of the school and local area. Each week we focus on one worship theme, allowing us to come together, celebrate children’s achievements and provide an opportunity for pupils to reflect. Our close relationships with St Mellan's Church and the Methodist Chapel provide children with a regular link to the Christian faith. Pupils are involved in various services at the chapel in the year and members  of church and chapel actively contribute to collective worship themes at the school.

Learning Sequences