
At Mullion Primary School we teach children to become passionate and purposeful writers. Through the 'Talk Through Writing' they will be taught to write creatively across a range of genres and subjects where texts are woven through the curriculum. This can be seen through our Writing Spine. They will learn how write through the 7 story archetypes and non-fiction structures as well as through poetry. 

Through a balance of transcription teaching, the children will learn the skills of writing with handwriting fluency, accuracy and precision. They will be able to embed these handwriting skills over time in writing across the curriculum. Spelling lessons will give them the skills needed to use vocabulary ambitiously and confidently and apply our whole school spelling strategy. 
We teach as we mean to progress – starting with the Read Write Inc phonics-based approach and continuing through the Read Write Inc spellings programme. We have a school-wide spelling strategy that is taught and applied in writing and editing.


As a school, we follow a continuous cursive handwriting progression of skills once the children are able to form letters correctly. Children are taught handwriting each week and given opportunities for practice. Handwriting standards are expected across the curriculum. From Reception class, children are taught correct letter formation in line with the Read Write Inc patter which supports letter formation. 

Punctuation and Grammar
Teachers use half-termly PAGES (Punctuation and Grammar Essential Skills) to ensure year group objectives are covered and learnt. Grammar and punctuation are also taught through writing, where it is the focus of the success criteria as lenses from the Writing Rainbow.